Rudi Schmitz
Chief Operating Officer at Institute for Healthier Living Abu Dhabi
Rudi Schmidt currently serves as COO at the Institute for Healthier Living Abu Dhabi. The
institute builds its work on the rise of new biomolecular data classes, innovative diagnostic
possibilities, and the dawn of an artificial intelligence century. As a precision lifestyle
medicine institute its purpose is to provide precise, predictive, preventive and data-driven
care and research focused on lifestyle, longevity and performance for both individuals and
Before IHLAD he served as CEO at !mmunetrue, a company that analyzes immunological
patterns across diseases and treatments as humans respond systemically to environment,
diseases, and treatments. Immunological real-world data have many use cases when curated,
analyzed and provided by using artificial intelligence.
Rudi Schmidt also spent 15 years at Asklepios Hospitals, the 2nd largest hospital chain in
Europe, the last 7 years as EVP Precision Medicine, and as CEO of several Asklepios affiliates,
including a metagenome company and a provider of RWD and R&D.
